Just Write - Overdue Writing

Being out-of-town and caring my son's surgery has taken my time off of writing. I am trying to get my head back in gear. To do this I have been looking at Writer's Digest (WD) and Jeff Goins' Writing Tribe. I wanted to respond to one I found in WD. Full disclosure: I never bought into any of the myths so I'm really sharing to pat myself in the back because I've known these myths all along. It's always good to be validated. 10 Myth-Busting Answers to 10 FAQs on Grammar, Writing and Publishing by Brian A. Klems Can you end a sentence with a preposition? Should you always start a novel with action? There are many so-called writing rules that you hear every day, but not all of them are true. Here are 10 common writing myths debunked. 1. GUILTY OF IMPROPER PREPOSITIONING? Q: You can’t end a sentence with a preposition, can you? A: Actually, you can. There isn’t a real grammar commandment that says “Thou Shalt Not End Sentences With Prepositions.” M...