
Showing posts from April, 2016

The Writing Process, 2 Days After the First One

I continue to struggle with writing. I've started three blogs today and got stuck at about the 100th word. It's the same struggle, life getting in the way and fear of letting my thought process be known out there. It takes courage that I'm not sure I have. I'm just going to say what I think is safe enough. Hopefully, some of you can relate. My daughter started a journal. It was cute (painfully). She said she started it in the last 30 days. She didn't mean for me to read it because I was left out of her entries and everything was flavored by the fact that she has been living full-time with her dad right now since February 22. This is not what is best for her and it happened because of the good-old-boy system of the South. I've wondered how I could ask God and my friends for help in getting the outcome that is best for her but my shyness gets in the way. Putting it out there is hard for me. I've been able to tell a couple of close, supportive friends but liv...

The Writing Process

Today I read a blog from Daphne, a writing coach, saying that writing is like Jazz. She talked about "letting go" instead of being restricted by the classical way of learning or playing music. I am a musician so I know exactly what she is talking about. I learned the piano when I was six-years-old. I have a very structured upbringing that has zapped my creativity out of me. I can still add notes to songs from the church hymnal just as long as I am looking at the actual notes but going off the page completely without memorization? NO, I just can't. I'm afraid those neurons in my brain were pruned off shortly after practicing the scales that Hanon wrote. But here's the thing, I'm in the process of re-inventing myself. So I have no choice. Sure I get discouraged as I get caught up in my low self-esteem conditioned brain. That means I beat myself up so many more times in a day than I should NOT. But what I'm finding out as I am writing this is that I have fr...