
Showing posts from 2019

***Five Ways to Boost Your Writing Output***

***Five Ways to Boost Your Writing Output*** 1. Write mobile - Once I embraced cell phone writing the world opened-up and gave me hundreds of writing opportunities per day. Yes, the writing is choppy and the moments are short, but I literally add hundreds (sometimes thousands) of extra words per day, just by writing in stolen moments (waiting in line, during meetings, in the bathroom, waiting for anything). 2. Write daily-  Daily writing allows me to knock out more than a million words per year without writing in huge day-long writing sprints. I write every morning, doing my best to hit my goals before noon. I developed a daily writing habit that became permanent after practicing over 60 days. Now, I've reached 300 days without missing one. 3. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts when you're not writing - If you want to be a prolific writer you've got to be a prolific reader too. We can't deliver the output if we don't feed our melons with quality input. B...

Smith Soul Works Migration

I will be migrating our host website from Siteground to FastComet This is our "ABOUT" page We are Dulce and Jimmy. I am a psychologist who is currently focusing on publishing my first novel and blogging. I offer life coaching and pre-marital counseling Jimmy, my husband, is a massage therapist, kriya yoga guru, wedding officiant, and writer. Drop us a note or subscribe so we can keep in touch.

How to Find Joy in the Journey, Rather Than Relying on the Outcome

Hey Legends, Last week we discussed some of the  common misconceptions around making money from doing work that you love . The premise of that post was about how I often see people put so much focus on the outcome that they end up losing sight of the journey. And the whole point of doing things you love, is because you love doing them, right?! So, be sure to check that out that post if you haven’t read it yet, as it will give you the background on what we are talking about today. It is easy to think that happiness lies in the outcome, that once we get to the mystical 'there', all our problems will be solved. It’s helpful to have goals, dreams and intentions but if you constantly want to fast forward to the final beat, you end up missing the best part of the song… Which is why I believe in, live by and have been witness to the fact that a happy ending (versus a short-lived high) only comes if and when we find joy in the journey. So, here’s a few ways to enjoy the ride a little ...